The following code example minimally illustrates the five primary features of the Traits package.
# all_traits_features.py
from enthought.traits.api import Delegate, HasTraits, Instance, Int, Str
import enthought.traits.ui
class Parent(HasTraits):
# INITIALIZATION: last_name' is initialized to '':
last_name = Str('')
class Child(HasTraits):
age = Int
# VALIDATION: 'father' must be a Parent instance:
father = Instance(Parent)
# DELEGATION: 'last_name' is delegated to father's 'last_name':
last_name = Delegate('father')
# NOTIFICATION: This method is called when 'age' changes:
def _age_changed(self, old, new):
print 'Age changed from %s to %s ' % (old, new)
# Set up the example:
joe = Parent()
joe.last_name = 'Johnson'
moe = Child()
moe.father = joe
# DELEGATION in action:
print "Moe's last name is %s" % moe.last_name
# NOTIFICATION in action:
moe.age = 10
# VISUALIZATION: Displays a UI for editing moe's
# attributes (if a supported GUI toolkit is installed)
The DELEGATION and NOTIFICATION segments in the above example yield the following command-line output: </p>
Moe's last name is Johnson
Age changed from 0 to 10</pre>
The configure_traits() command in the above example opens the following dialog box for editing the attributes of the Child instance:
Clicking <strong>Father</strong> on this dialog box opens an additional dialog box to modify the Parent instance:
Last updated: Tue 21 November 2017